Business Valuation
When you're thinking about selling your business, the very first step you may want to consider is taking advantage of our free business valuation. We can help you determine the marketable price of your business as well as discuss the opportunities for a potential sale.
At Premier Business Group, we have the experience, the tools and the methodology for determining the value of your business. We analyze many factors including the type of business you have as well as market conditions.
When you use a broker to obtain valuation, you show prospective buyers that you are serious about selling your company and that you've taken the necessary steps in selling. Using a broker to assess the value of your company can make a buyer feel more comfortable in paying your asking price.
The Selling Process
It’s not a snap decision when you’re ready to sell your business. Premier Business Group can help you plan before the day of decision arrives. We’ll consult with you to help you prepare. Selling a business is largely about setting practical expectations as well as preparing the financial statements to meet a buyer’s expectations. Here are the steps we take during the selling process:
Discuss confidentiality with business owners
Obtain business goals and selling objectives
Gather information from financial statements
Determine value from financial review
Explain preliminary estimate of value
Complete Exclusive Listing Agreement
Create marketing package
Review and approval of marketing package by seller
Filter inquiries in a confidential manner
Obtain Confidentiality Agreement
Screen and financially qualify the buyers
Obtain executed Letter of Intent
Submission of deal package to underwriting for approval by lender
Coordinate Offer to Purchase
Agree upon terms and price between seller and buyer
Work with the closing attorney to create all the legal documents necessary to complete the transaction
Coordinate due diligence and closing
Work with business owner’s CPA in areas of deal structuring and/or tax considerations
Follow Closing Checklist
Guide the closing process
Tips for Sellers
Reasonably Price Your Business
Price too low, leave money on the table. Price too high, nothing happens. An inflated figure can turn off potential buyers; rely on your business broker to arrive at the best price. The wrong price discourages many buyers from even looking at a business.
Keep Your Business As Usual
Don't become so obsessed with the transaction that your attention wanders from day-to-day demands, affecting sales, costs, and profits. Premier Business Group allows you to stay on track with your current business operations.
Engage Our Expert Business Brokers
A confidentiality breach about the sale of your business can change the course of the transaction. Working with our brokers help you minimize the possibility of employees, vendors, and competitors, finding out that your business is for sale.
Prepare In Advance
A good business broker will prepare an offering portfolio for your business to have ready for qualified buyers. The business owners can help in the process by "housecleaning" - as well as a literal sprucing up of the facilities.
Be Flexible With The Sale Terms
Don't be the kind of seller who wants all-cash at the closing, or who won't accept any contingent payments or an asset transaction. Depend on the advice of your business broker; they can give you insight on the elements of the deal.
Negotiate; Don't Dominate
You are used to being your own boss, but be prepared to learn that the buyer may be used to having his way, too. Rely on the experience of the team at Premier Business Grow. We can help you decide ahead of time "when to hold and when to fold."
Our Pledge to Sellers
Premier Business Group will market your business without employees, customers, vendors or competitors knowing that it is for sale. This is important to the smooth continuation of the business during the selling process.
We pledge that no potential Buyer will receive any non-generic information about your business until they have signed a Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Statement and we have verified their financial ability to buy your business.
We pledge to keep and maintain the complete confidentiality of your business throughout the entire process, so that employees, vendors, competitors and customers are unaware of the pending sale.
We pledge to be honest, to act with integrity and professionalism in all of our dealings with you.
We pledge to guide you through the entire selling process, including due diligence and all other matters up to and after closing.
We pledge to accurately assess your company's value using our market expertise and knowledge of valuation techniques.
We pledge to save you time. Packaging your business, promoting it, screening buyers and negotiating to a sale takes time--OUR TIME. You can stay focused on running your business.